Stoicism is probably my favorite school of philosophy. I first became intestested in philosophy through my love of Star Trek, and immedietly found that philosophers were just funny guys saying interesting things. And interesting guys saying funny things. As soon as I picked up my first translation of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, I knew it was impossible to turn my back on the wisdom imparted upon me.
A basic rundown of this pholosophy (as I've come to know it) starts and ends with acceptance. Acceptance is one of the primary talking points of stoicism. You either control something, or accept it. Emotion is one of these things that will never be in the 'control' catagory, and so you must accept it. How you react to an emotion, however, is within your control.
That's pretty much it! There's a whooole lot more I could say about it, but that's the basic idea behind Stoicism. And let me just tell you now; it works like a charm. I have found inner peace and my anxiety is at an all time low. I look like such a dork writing about philosophy, but I have accepted that I cannot control what people think of me. I am free.